Writing Tips from Lisa Vasquez, the Unsaintly Queen

One of my favorite parts of being an author is connecting with so many amazing, diverse individuals. A lot of people assume that networking is only about getting yourself to the next level, but if you’re focused only on that you miss a lot of amazing people and lessons along the way. It’s important to … More Writing Tips from Lisa Vasquez, the Unsaintly Queen

Your Supporters & Audience are Human, Too (Things I’d Wished I’d Known)

A few weeks ago we talked about support, how it can vary from person to person, how not everyone will give you the level you want, and that’s okay. I think it’s important to keep hitting this, though, because I think there’s this misconception with support and with things like marketing and networking that you … More Your Supporters & Audience are Human, Too (Things I’d Wished I’d Known)

Read for Where You Wanna Be (Practical Advice)

So, we’ve gone over the importance of reading before – you can’t appreciate the genres you write in, can’t know what’s out there, unless you’re surrounding yourself with stuff. Alright? Alright. Well, welcome to my TED Talk 2.0. One of the things I’ve learned this year (hey, I’m still learning, too), is another one of … More Read for Where You Wanna Be (Practical Advice)