HAGL2: An Interview with Horror Addict R.L. Merrill!

We’re back today with an interview with one of the authors in Horror Addicts Guide to Life 2! I had the pleasure to interview R.L. Merrill, so let’s get to it and see what she has to say about horror, writing, and her work! What’s your favorite part of the horror genre (or favorite subgenre)? … More HAGL2: An Interview with Horror Addict R.L. Merrill!

People may not support you – and that’s okay (Things I’d Wished I’d known)

One of the things that has really been brought home for me lately is support. In any sort of artistic endeavor, it’s important. There are a lot of thoughts on the subject, and these are just mine, born from my personal experience – ymmv. So one of the things that inevitably comes up with people … More People may not support you – and that’s okay (Things I’d Wished I’d known)

Read for Where You Wanna Be (Practical Advice)

So, we’ve gone over the importance of reading before – you can’t appreciate the genres you write in, can’t know what’s out there, unless you’re surrounding yourself with stuff. Alright? Alright. Well, welcome to my TED Talk 2.0. One of the things I’ve learned this year (hey, I’m still learning, too), is another one of … More Read for Where You Wanna Be (Practical Advice)

Happy Star Wars Day! or Thoughts on Leia Revisited

Since we’re celebrating Star Wars today, I thought I’d revisit this post, especially since Carrie Fisher is no longer with us. *** So while the world is doing their best of lists and talking about resolutions…eh, I’m just gonna do my thing. And that means talking about something near and dear to my heart. I … More Happy Star Wars Day! or Thoughts on Leia Revisited